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Die exegetische Bedeutung der masoretischen Akzente

Kevin Trompelt

Pages 115 - 137

Due to their syntactical function as division markers Masoretic accents have an important impact on the understanding of the biblical text and are significant from an exegetical point of view. By dividing the biblical text in its structural elements and thereby showing which parts are syntactically related and which are not, they inevitably and unmistakably affect its intention and reflect a certain understanding of the text. The study traces this understanding in some biblical verses which are chosen exemplarily from the Book of Isaiah. All examples have in common that the accentuation in each case intends to represent the literal meaning of the text. Consequently, the reading of the text as indicated by the accents found its way, over time, also into modern translations and commentaries. They stand for the majority of the Masoretic accentuations in the biblical text and highlight their relevance even for modern textual interpretation. Eventually, the study aims at reviving the accentuation, which accordingly is nothing else than a commentary of the biblical text, as an important exegetical tool, which should be kept in mind when interpreting the Hebrew Bible. For despite their significance for textual interpretation, the accents are hardly considered in modern commentaries on biblical literature. This wasn’t always the case. At the beginning of modern biblical exegesis, the understanding of the text according to the accents was noticed and discussed – by Jewish as well as Christian scholars.


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