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Die Menora zwischen Kult und Konflikt

Zur Wahrnehmung der Menora vor und nach der Zerstörung des Zweiten Tempels aus jüdischer und römischer Sicht

Annette Weber

Pages 21 - 38

The essay discusses the changing perception of the Golden Menorah before and after the destruction of the Second Temple. It argues in favor of a ceremonial vessel that became a signal of rebellion against Roman oppression and therefore an iconic political symbol when publicly presented in the wake of war according to Flavius Josephus. In contrast to the most recent opinions disputing the possibility that holy vessels were shown in public during the Second Temple period, it advocates the idea that the Menorah might have been presented to an exclusive public on limited occasions only, which were marked by strict laws of ritual purity. It discusses the much debated Hellenistic base of the Menorah on the Arch of Titus as a necessary and therefore authentic implement in order to observe these ritual requirements. As a result, the Temple Menorah was recognized as the authentic symbol of Judaism also by gentiles, which finally induced the Romans to exhibit it as the ultimate sign of victory over Jewish monotheism.


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