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Zeitschrift der Hochschule für Jüdische Studien Heidelberg


Edited by
Hochschule für Jüdische Studien Heidelberg

Editorial office

Professor Dr. Johannes Becke
Professor Dr. Viktor Golinets
Professor Dr. Annette Weber


Daniel Rost

Scientific advisory board

Professor Dr. Marion Aptroot (Düsseldorf)
Professor Dr. Aliza Cohen-Mushlin (Jerusalem)
Professor Dr. Carl S. Ehrlich (Toronto)
Professor Dr. Gad Freudenthal (Paris)
Professor Dr. Theodore Kwasman (Köln)
Professor Dr. Stefan Rohrbacher (Düsseldorf)
Professor Dr. Peter Schäfer (Berlin)
Professor Dr. Avinoam Shalem (München/New York)
Professor Dr. Giuseppe Veltri (Hamburg)

Submission of articles

Please submit articles to the following address::

Hochschule für Jüdische Studien Heidelberg
Editorial Office Trumah / Herrn Daniel Rost
Landfriedstraße 12
69117 Heidelberg

Please use the style sheet accessible in the editorial office for the organisation of the manuscripts.

Review copies

Please send review copies to the editorial office. Please note that we cannot assure book reviews of unsolicited copies.

Recommend Trumah

Current Issue

Issue 26 / 2023

Beredte Objekte – Provenienzforschung zu NS-Raubgut / Eloquent Objects – Provenance Research on Nazi Looted Property