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Zur Möglichkeit des Traditionswandels im Denken des Maharal von Prag

Diskurse und Wahrheit

Asher Mattern

Pages 27 - 46

The thought of Judah Loew ben Bezalel (Maharal) can easily be connected to the cultural, scientific, political and religious contexts of his time in a variety of ways. Nonetheless, it is characterised by an astounding singularity that finds its expression in its significantly late integration into mainstream Orthodox Judaism. While deliberating on the question of the innovation aspect in the thought of the Maharal of Prague, the question about the condition for such a decisive innovative dimension arises. The article analyses the dialectics of continuity and discontinuity in the Maharal’s thought with reference to contemporary philosophical and sociological theories, and searches for an answer to the question how the Maharal himself could have interpreted the possibility of his singular position on the basis of his metaphysical and theological system.


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